Video & Picture

 In this video that was made by a person named Jason Cross, tells about computers from before they were invented, until now when they are almost all over the world and in every business. This video tells when computers were invented and impacted the world, and when and how the first computer was invented and how it was ran by the people.

In this picture, it shows what the first computer looked like. If you notice the man in the corner running the computer, the computer is a lot larger than the man. In fact, this computer weighed short of 30 tons, was roughly 8 feet by 3 feet by, took up 1800 square feet, and consumed over 150 kilo watts of electricity. 

In this video, it shows how the first computer was built the ENIAC, the ENIAC was the largest computer ever built in the history of computers. This video also tells how and when different key parts of computers needed to make them work, including the transistor. This video tells and explains when different computers were made in their inventors history.

In this video, it shows how the computer company Apple Inc. comes to be. Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976. As you may know Apple makes all sorts of computers and accessories, including the Mac computer, iPad, iPod, and many other products. This video is very educational and interesting to watch. 

In this video, it shows the history of the computer company HP or Hewlett-Packard. HP was founded in 1939 by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard. In this video it shows the history of HP from the first to now. The video also shows the first HP computer the computer calculator. This is a cool and interesting video for anyone who likes history or computers.

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