This is my Introduction for
my computer class Final Project called Web Quest. I have to create a Blog on
Blogger about what I will be talking about. What I will be talking about is The
History on Computers.
The first computer ever
built was in 1936 by a man named Konrad Zuse. Since then computers have evolved
a lot. They went from only being able to type to suffering the web, listening
to music, taking videos/pictures, etc. In 1953 IBM (International Business
Machines), entered the History of Computers by inventing the IBM 701 EDPM
Some history on computers; the
first computer game was called Spacewar Computer Game, invented by Steve
Russell. As many of you know Microsoft is a huge computer industry founded by
Bill Gates and Paul Allen on April 4, 1975. Microsoft offers a wide variety of
PC, desktops, consoles, and accessories. Microsoft’s first product was the
Altair BASIC, which was an interpreter for the BASIC programming Language.
Apple is also a huge computer and many other products industry, founded by
Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in April 1, 1976. The first Apple
iMac was created in 1998; it was an all in one desktop launching the Mac
industry for Apple.